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Running a Full Node

This manual offers a detailed, step-by-step approach for establishing and operating a full node on the Junction, utilizing pre-assembled binaries. Designed to be user-friendly, it caters to both newcomers and seasoned node operators, ensuring an easy-to-follow procedure.

1. Download the junctiond Binary

Use the wget command to download the junctiond executable from the Airchains Network GitHub release page.


2. Make the Binary Executable

Apply the chmod +x command to add executable permissions to the junctiond file, allowing it to be run as a program.

chmod +x junctiond

3. Move the binary to a system-wide directory

Employ the sudo mv command to transfer the junctiond binary to /usr/local/bin, enabling it to be accessed and executed from any location on the system.

sudo mv junctiond /usr/local/bin

4. Initialize the Node with the Moniker

junctiond init <moniker>

5. Update Genesis Configuration

To ensure your node is configured correctly for the testnet, follow these steps to update the genesis configuration

Download the Testnet Genesis File

Begin by downloading the latest genesis file from the GitHub repository.


Replace the Existing Genesis File

After downloading the new genesis file, you need to replace the existing file in your Junction node configuration directory. This step ensures your node starts with the correct testnet settings.

cp genesis.json ~/.junction/config/genesis.json

6. Update Configuration

Edit ~/.junction/config/config.toml to set persistent_peers:

persistent_peers = "[email protected]:26656"

7. Start the Node

junctiond start